Psychological pressures facing secondary school principals
The school is a complex institution, as it includes many similar and interacting components whose impact is reflected on the outputs represented in the student’s achievement, gains and achievements in various and different fields related to the curriculum in its comprehensive concept and the school’s contributions to the surrounding environment. These outputs are clearly affected by the work team of teachers, administrators and institutions. Others that share the school's tasks to achieve its goals and programs in a way that affects the work of the school administration. The importance of the school administration is evident in its contribution to the education of the individual and his preparation for life, through the upbringing of generations by the school as one of the main educating forces in society, providing it with the pillars of renaissance and firm foundations. Psychological pressures have an impact on human life, performance levels, and psychological stability, especially since the painful experiences that a person is exposed to, depending on their severity, are included in the so-called (stressful events) that push the individual to responses, some of which are far from his normal state. Secondary school principals may be exposed, while performing their work, to various pressures that may be the result of sick pressures or various circumstances that are reflected on the principals during the exercise of their work. Therefore, the research problem centered around identifying the pressures that hinder the secondary school principal from achieving more progress and creativity in his work. To mitigate its severity and its psychological impact, through the adoption of a questionnaire form distributed to secondary school principals. After processing the results obtained statistically, we reached the following conclusions: o The first axis: between the school administration and the General Directorate of Education. The failure to provide modern editions of textbooks to students at the start of the school year and the slowness of communications between the General Directorate of Education and the school administration, as well as evaluation
١-احمد محمد مخلف وكریم ناصر علي ؛ الضغوط النفسیة التي تواجھ مدیري
المدارس الأساسیة ، مجلة الفتح ، كلیة التربیة الأساسیة ، العدد ٣٢ سنة ٢٠٠٢ .
٢-حسن محمد ظاھر ، الضغوط النفسیة التي یتعرض لھا معلمي المدارس الا بتدائیة ،
مجلة التربیة ، السنة الرابعة ، ینایر / مارس ١٩٩٣ ،
٣-عباس احمد صالح ؛ طرق التدریس في التربیة الریاضیة (بغداد،مطبعة التعلیم
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٤-عبد الستار ابراھیم ؛الاكتئاب اضطراب العصر الحدیث (الكویت، علم المعرفة
٥-عبد الفتاح العیسوي وعبد الرحمن العیسوي ؛ مناھج البحث العلمي في الفكر
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