The effect of the (7E’S) learning course on the achievement of the fifth grade biology students with chemistry and their Smart thinking


  • Faleh Abd-ALhassan College of Basic Education / University of Diyala



smart thinking ,(7E,S Learning)


The present research aims at identifying the impact of the seventh cycle in the achievement of the fifth grade students in chemistry and their smart thinking. The research sample consisted of (55) students divided into two groups, one of them experimental (28) students studied the strategy of the seventh learning cycle, The research tools were prepared, namely, a collection test consisting of (60) test pieces of the type of multiple choice, and the stability of the collection test was found (0.89). The second tool was represented In the disintegration scale R. Subtle, which was adopted and After the statistical analysis of the results using the statistical bag (SPSS), the results showed that the students of the experimental group who studied the seven-cycle learning strategy (7E, s) were superior to the students of the control group who studied the usual method in the achievement test and the smart  thinking scale. Teaching the strategy of the seventh cycle of learning because it has a significant impact in increasing the achievement of the students of the experimental group and raise their thinking clever The researchers recommended some recommendations and suggestions appropriate .was finding the stability of the scale used for the two experimental and control group.



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How to Cite

فالح عبد الحسن عويد, “The effect of the (7E’S) learning course on the achievement of the fifth grade biology students with chemistry and their Smart thinking”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 235–252, Aug. 2023.