THE Effect of Modeling Approach on the Development of Psychological empowerment among Educational Counselors
modeling , empowerment , psychologicalAbstract
The current study aim at investigation the Effect of Modeling Approach on Development of Psychological Empowerment among Education Counselors . the aim is achieved through validating the following hypotheses .
1 .there are no statistically significant variation between the grades of psychological Empowerment on the level 0.05 for the experimental group in the preset and the posttest .
- there are no statistical significant variation between the grades of psychological Empowerment on the level 0.05 for the control and experimental group in the posttest .
The researcher adopted the psychological Empowerment scale .the study sample consisted of 200 counselors . the scale primarily consisted of 40 items distributed on three aspects . It was forwarded to jury of experts and they kept all the items with some paraphrase of some items
After ensuring the validity of the test , the reliability of the items was checked by retesting using cronbach Alfa equation and split half approach. he sample of the experiment consisted of 20 counselors who obtained law grade on the scale of psychological Empowerment . theغ were distributed randomly on two group with 10 counselors for the experimental and control group . THE program include eight sessions for each group . the researcher adopted the experimental design with preset and posttest .afterwards . the groups were balanced in the scores of the posttest ,
academic qualifications of the counselors ,and their age . the proper statistical devices were used by mean of the statistical suit SPSS like Pearson correlation coefficient to extract the reliability . In the light of the study findings , the researcher reached several conclusions and recommendations .
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