The relationship of the level of achievement of students of the Department of Education and Psychology in practical education with the level of their achievement in other subjects


  • Munadil Abbas Qassem جامعة كرميان /كلية التربية /كلار



Colleges of Education are stations for preparing, training and qualifying teachers. After their graduation, they implement educational programs and curricula in all schools. Student teachers receive the education they need in the process of teaching and learning. However, real skills are only achieved in the field of practical application in schools. The quality of the teacher depends to a large extent on the programs that the student-teacher receives prior to service. Realistic first, and then on evaluating these goals and the extent to which they are achieved by the learner to find out the positive and negative aspects of the lesson activities within the allotted time, and how to manage the class in a way that contributes real to the development of the ability of the student teacher to perform his teaching duties more effectively. The practical education program seeks to achieve three goals, the first of which is to introduce the student teacher to the nature of the professional educational field that he will work in after graduation, with what this field includes of leaders, students, roles, and responsibilities, which results in him acquiring familiarity with what is expected of him to do. As a teacher later on, the second objective is to provide the opportunity for the student teacher to put what he studied in terms of educational principles, rules and theories, and educational during the stages of his academic preparation in the college into practical and actual application, so that the process of preparing him for the teaching profession can acquire its theoretical and applied dimensions, which increases As for his efficiency and effectiveness as a teacher, the third goal is to prepare the student teacher to move from the role of the student, which he is familiar with and used to in his university studies, to the role of the teacher, which is what he is expected to do after graduation, which guarantees him a gradual natural transition, that is, the period of practical education It serves as a transition period between two roles. There is no doubt that education programs can, with the diversity of specializations of faculty members, help their learners to make a successful transition from the stage of learners to the stage of active teachers. There have been many complaints from researchers and those in charge of the educational process about the poor preparation of the teacher, whose role is reflected in the students and society. The teacher teaches it in schools (Yassin, 2002, p. 7).


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How to Cite

مناضل عباس قاسم, “The relationship of the level of achievement of students of the Department of Education and Psychology in practical education with the level of their achievement in other subjects”, jfath, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 98–119, Aug. 2023.