Effectiveness of showing the emotional side when teaching third
Effectiveness, Emotional Way, Literary TastingAbstract
Arabic language is one of the living languages which has the ability of great giving and escorting the scientific development and cultural progress. It a developing language that proved its reliability through the ages as it has unique features which made it a language of civilization and humanity. It is precise in expressing itself and it is able to express many subordinate meaning, a feature which many other languages lack. It is rich, precise, and able to derive and generate words, developing and breeding them, and this is a proof of vividness and duration. Literature, including prose and poetry, has a social and psychological value. It aims at making a tendency of beauty and enjoying it just as the fine arts do. The reader of literature tends to feel the beauty and touch the high morals and behavior. The reading of any text remains incomplete if this reading neglects its literary fact and this aspect appears the importance of analysis which is the shifting from creator attention to the attention of text. It helps pupils to realize the literary texts in a deep, comprehensive way to know the points of beauty in the text. It also makes them work out the specific features and reasoning them. Analysis serves reading by insisting on understanding the text, good pronunciation, summarizing and working out the correct rules. Realizing the pupil level is very important to diagnose the points of strength and weakness during the process of learning which improves their level as it is a remedial and diagnosing process. It is conclude that knowing the level of students in department of Arabic language in analyzing the literary texts in the college of basic education helps in realizing the points of strength and weakness.Aim of the study This study aims at knowing the level of students of department of Arabic language in college of basic education in analyzing the literary texts through answering the following question:- What is the level of students of fourth stage in the department of Arabic language in college of basic education university of Babylon in analyzing the literary texts as it is checked by the final test?LimitationThis study limits itself to:1.Students of fourth stage in college of basic education – university of Babylon.2.A literary text analyzed by the students.Procedures The sample included (69) students (boys and girls) in the department of Arabic language divided into two sections; section (A) (35) students and section (B) (34) students. The researched randomly chose (15) students as a preliminary sample whereas the basic sample is (54) students.Tool The research dealt with the acquisitive test as a tool for the research. The test was a poetic text analyzed by the students.Statistical Devices The research used the following statistic devices:1. Person function. 2. Average.3. Percentage.Results of the Study The study showed the weakness of the level of students of D.A.L. in analyzing the literary texts since the average of the student’s acquisitive test was (33, 76).Recommendations- The study recommends the teachers to take good care of analyzing the literary texts according to the rules and principles of the literary analysis.- The teacher should be acquainted with the modern methods in teaching the literary texts.- Emphasizing on the mental abilities (analysis, composing and valuation) in teaching and testing.- Teaching more texts to be analyzed to become as a motive to the students to get literary culture.Suggestions:The researcher suggests:- A similar study in colleges of basic education all over the country.- Studying the reasons of weakness of the students in the department of Arabic language in colleges of basic education in analyzing the literary texts.
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