Evaluating the effectiveness of the teacher in the skill of asking classroom questions from the perspective of students
performance, classroom questions, Arabic languageAbstract
The Arabic language consider the richest language in its subject and its ability form sentences .It is a language filled with words and words that are similar to the perceptions of its children and are in the basic stage of grammar, reading, dictation, songs, archives and expression.
The problem of the study is the weakness of the teachers of the Arabic language in the formulation of questions and how to guide them and receive answers. Because the process of asking the question and answer it requires special skill, and a few of these teachers enjoy, so it has a reflection and impact on the performance of students, it is assumed that the teacher ability to provide skills that can help to interact with the new information and employ them in an appropriate manner
This study attempts to verify the following objectives: Diagnosis of the effectiveness of the teacher in the practice of asking the questions of the class, how effective it is to receive them from the students, how to deal with their answers, the teacher's effectiveness in formulating class questions, The teacher's ability to clarify the purpose of asking the class questions and the extent of students' absorption for this purpose.
The descriptive approach used in this study was used to use the arithmetic mean, standard deviations, and (t) test for independent processes and percentages. The results were as follows: The level of teachers and teachers of Arabic language with the principles of effective teaching is average because they continue to work in the traditional system and routines in the teaching method. Statistics at the level of significance (0.05) between the averages of the degree of effectiveness of the teacher to the skill of asking questions regarding the formulation of questions in the province of Diyala according to criterion = 3
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