Group work within the scope of Teaching - Learning
AbstractSignificance and the problem of the study:- The significance of the study stems from the effective role of Group work technique in teaching English as a foreign language . Most foreign language teachers want their students at the center of communication. Sauvignon (1983:65) demonstrates that "communicative competence is acquired through ommunication", and Communication in the foreign language is " the single greatest Challenge in the profession ". Nowadays a new goal has been set around the world, that is, to develop the students` communicative competence. The idea is no longer more linguistic correctness, but the development of communicative and linguistic abilities of learners. Larsen Freeman (1986 :131) states that communicative competence involves being able to use the language appropriate to a given Social context ; to do this , students need knowledge of the forms , meanings and functions . The need to know that many different forms can be used to perform a function and also that single form can often serve a variety of functions. They must be able to choose from among these the most appropriate form that social context, and must also be able to merge the process of negotiating meaning with their interlocutors . Harmer (1983:33) asserts that in order to enable students acquire the communicative efficiency, they must be helped to learn items of the language that they study side by side with a great decal of language use in commutative situations. In other words, students should be given practice not only in the structures of the language but also in the process of using them in real daily situations.
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