The tasks of kindergarten principals and their availability
The success of the kindergarten administration is measured by its ability to develop its human and material resources, and the progress achieved by the children is only a criterion for the success of the kindergarten and its management. The recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the field of early childhood at the Arab or international level, as childhood is the industry of the future, and the prosperity and progress of nations is only from the care that the nation gives to raise its children in a correct upbringing through successful management, as it is the important means to direct the matter of the group and the individual towards achieving its desired goals. Kindergarten is an integrated institution in all its aspects, and each of its components has its own importance. Kindergarten administration is one of these components, and it is a set of targeted activities and operations to organize the kindergarten, as these processes are integrated and overlap with each other to achieve its desired goals. (Al-Khatib, 1987, p. 28 In addition, the success of the kindergarten administration is linked to the pattern of administrative behavior followed by the kindergarten principal, who adopts a democratic approach that has a positive impact on her educational performance, the effectiveness of the educational and educational process and its development, and the child’s personality from all mental, emotional and social aspects, as it is the focus of the educational process, and this The approach is directed towards collective leadership, in the involvement of workers and teachers in the decision-making process, and the practice of the administrative method that is appropriate to the situations and conditions that tend to consult. (Al-Aghbari, 2000, p. 325)
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