Effectiveness of applying teaching strategies from students' point of view
There are many issues related to the use of teaching strategies in the educational field, and there is a lot of discussion about them by those concerned in this field, because learning mathematics and science represents a problem that many researchers, educators, teachers, and students themselves have for all academic levels. Such as the study (1993, Bottag), the study (1996, Lawson) globally, the study (Abdullah, 1995), the study (Al-Karsh, 1998) in Arabic, the study (Al-Taie, 2001), the study (Al-Saadi, 2002), the study (Raji, 2003) and the study (Nasser, 2006) locally. However, what is proposed by them to solve this problem does not go beyond the theoretical aspect, and the proposed treatments remain far from the problems of the field and the practical application of the treatments. 2. Presenting many scientific topics in a specific sequence that requires the availability of the basic requirements necessary to study a new topic on the basis of agreement and understanding of these requirements, and therefore the new requirements remain. 3. Paying attention to both understanding in mathematics and science, performing operations efficiently, and staying away from the tangible as the learner advances in their education. Therefore, the departments of the Mathematics and Science departments are looking to know the extent of the effectiveness of teaching strategies through the teachers’ implementation of them in some lessons, from the students’ point of view. Thus, the research problem is determined by the following main question: What is the effectiveness of applying teaching strategies from the students' point of view
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