The impact of the physical virtual laboratory on the development of the intensity of observation and academic achievement of the students of the fourth stage, College of Education for Pure Sciences





The aim of the research is to identify the impact of the physical virtual laboratory, which is included in each of the prescribed curriculum for physics, in developing the intensity of observation and cognitive achievement for fourth grade students. In order to achieve this goal, the following two hypotheses were formulated:

There is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group (studied using the virtual laboratory) and the control group (studied using the traditional laboratory) in their performance on the achievement test of physics.

There is no statistically significant difference between the average difference between the post and pretest application of the observation intensity test for the students of the experimental group (studied using the virtual laboratory) and the control group (studied using the traditional laboratory).

In order to achieve the objectives of the research and verify its hypotheses, the researchers selected a random sample of (30) male and female students from the Department of Physics in the College of Education for Pure Sciences, and they were divided into two groups (each groupIt consists of 15 students) the first is an experimental one that studies physics experiments using the virtual laboratory prepared for research purposes, and the second is a control one that studies physics experiments using the traditional laboratory. The two groups were equal in some variables that are believed to have an impact on the dependent variables. Physics, an achievement test for physics was also prepared and a scale for the intensity of observation was prepared for the purpose of collecting research data. The experiment of the two researchers was applied at the beginning of the 10th month of the year (2018) and continued until the end of the (12th) month of the same year, as the students of the experimental group were receiving teaching Research experiments in the computer laboratory, while the control group was studying in the traditional laboratory.

After applying the observation intensity scale twice before and after the experiment, and applying achievement tests for physics after the end of the experiment, the following results were reached:

The emergence of a difference between the experimental and control groups in the variable of achievement in physics, as well as in the intensity of observation, in favor of the experimental group.

Finally, the two researchers presented a set of recommendations to stakeholders, as well as some titles for future research proposals.


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How to Cite

محب الدين محمود الحياوي and عبد الكريم علي حسين, “The impact of the physical virtual laboratory on the development of the intensity of observation and academic achievement of the students of the fourth stage, College of Education for Pure Sciences”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 260–277, Jul. 2023.