Publication Rules

Publishing rules
1- General principles
The magazine deals exclusively with educational and psychological research.
- The arrangement of research in the journal is according to the date the research was received.
- The researcher is given three free copies of the survey and a copy of the magazine at a nominal price.
- Copyright reserved to the Central Press at Diyala University, and it is permissible to quote with reference to the source.
- All issues of the magazine are published on the magazine’s website:
The magazine has an application on smart devices and a page on the social networking site Facebook to achieve a wider spread of the magazine.
- All correspondence should be sent to the editor-in-chief of the magazine and to the following address:
(University of Diyala / College of Basic Education - Al-Fath Magazine) or via the magazine’s email address: or call the journal phone during official working hours:
+964 07700104443
Telegram ID @basic150. Direct WhatsApp or Telegram contact is also available.

2- General conditions:
- The research is sent electronically by submitting a request for publication on the journal’s website:
- The name of the researcher, the title and summary of the research, the keywords in Arabic and English, and the researcher’s email are written on the research interface.
- The research should be written in the format (Word 2010) and the font type should be (Time New Roman) with a size of 16, leaving a space of (3.17) cm for each of the right and left margins and (2.54) cm for each of the top and bottom margins, provided that the number of pages does not exceed (30). page .
- The researcher submits a written pledge that his research will not be published in advance or that it will not be presented or accepted for publication in another journal or scientific conference.
Research submitted to the magazine is subject to scientific arbitration by three scientific experts and a linguistic proofreader.
- Arabic references and sources are indicated in the text of the research by mentioning the name of the author, year of publication, and page and placing them in parentheses, such as (Qatami, 2000: 35), as well as for foreign sources and references, such as (Mark, 2000: 35).
Sources and references are written at the end of the research, and only the name of the source is written in italics, as follows:
Nouri Al-Shawk and Rafi’ Al-Kubaisi, (2001): The Researcher’s Guide to Writing Research in Physical Education, University of Baghdad, Baghdad.
- The Arabic sources are translated into English and placed after the Arabic sources.
- The publication amount is collected according to the number of pages of the research, and the amounts are deducted up to 20 pages. The publishing amount is collected according to the number of research pages, and the amounts are lump sum up to 20 pages. My agencies: 
(150,000) one hundred and fifty thousand dinars, and an amount exceeding (5000) five thousand dinars is collected for one page and for research. 
Submitted by non-Iraqis, only ($200) is required.

- Author's Rights: Copyright is granted to writers and researchers who contribute their articles to the journal. These rights mean that the author retains his moral and ethical rights over the article he wrote, and can determine how it will be used and published in the future.

e consider quality the core of the work of the Al-Fath Journal for Educational and Psychological Research and by working with integrity and transparency we seek to build ideal academic relationships with staff, authors, and peer reviewers alike, and thus the journal undertakes the following:

  1. No fees for submitting papers in the research submission system.
  2. never ask authors to pay an APC (article processing charge) for publication prior to acceptance.
  3. never publish works in exchange for gifts or money.
  4. never falsely claim to represent another person or entity.
  5. never use your data without consent.

                Download the pledge file and submit it with the research paper