Measuring the behavioral adjustment of the slow learning students


  • Muhannad Mohamed Abdel Sattar كلية التربية الاساسية/جامعة ديالى
  • Meson كلية التربية الاساسية/جامعة ديالى


Interest in motherhood and childhood is regarded as one of the
modern areas in psychology through the study of social behavior of
human and investigating the importance of social relations between
children. Group adjustable behavior has a role in the life of
individuals. Moreover, the process of educating the child to
integrate their physical, cognitive, psychological, and social growth
is an important process that has its effects on the overall personality.
The study intended to build a scale to assess behavioral
adjustment in slow learning third elementary schoolgirls. The study
sample consisted of 51 schoolgirls with a slow learning capacity
from the schools of Diyala Province for the study season 2013-2014.
T-test for two samples and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient were
the statistical devices of the study.
The results revealed that slow learning schoolgirls are in need
of behavioral adjustment. They are also in need of utilizing modern
technology like computers in special education schools, as well as
urging the sponsors of those schools to follow suitable educational
methods with slow learners. The researcher suggested conducting
workshops for guides, teachers, and special education teachers for
developing and training them on growing positive behaviors and
teaching parents the right way of dealing with slow learning
schoolgirls to develop their behavioral adjustment. The researcher
also suggested conducting a similar study that includes other
elementary educational stages; a study that discovers the relation
between behavioral adjustment and the teachers' behavior in special
education classrooms as well as spreading guidance awareness
throughout media and providing educational and social services for
special education learners "slow learners".


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-اال اسعد ، اةمد يبد اطسف ، 3155 ، يسو اطمو االا مسل- ط5 – ساا اطما عل

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-اال اطوخع ، 3155 اطتعا و اطخميو امطفو ، ط5 ،امشلااع رماعو ساشق- نس و

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-اةمد ، س نما ، 5999 ، اطصحو اطموا و عاطتلا ق ، ط5 ، ساا االسكمدايو

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-االسدل عااعاه و ، سع د رمسو عاععاا يبد اطحم د ، 3112 ،االا مس اطتعالل

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-اسممي سل ، يمام يبد اطفمسا ، 3155 ، اطتلر اطتعالل اطمعميع ط5 -ساا

اط مزعال طسمشع عاطتلزيع – يمما االاسا .

-اطتمج ، اضم نما ةمداا ، 5996 ،يثع اسسلج طعبو اطدعا ل امم و او ل اطااع

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-اطداهعل ، يمطح ةات ، 3111، ابمسلء اطصحو اطموا و ، ط5 -ساا عائ طسمشع

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-اطداهعل ، يمطح ةات، 3116 ، اسمس مع اطتلا ق اطموال عاالضفعاامع

اطاسلن و عاالموعمط و – ط5 -ساا يومء طسمشع عاطتلزيع – يمما االاسا .

-اا د ، يدمما غمئ ،3113 ، س كلطلر االطومر عل اطصعلامع اطتعس م و

اف ل اطتعسو( ، ط5 ، ساا عائ طسمشع .

-اطاااس ، ص احمد خ ع ، 5900 ، اطتخس اطدااسل عيعلاو اطتعسو ط3 -ساا

اطمومئ طسفبميو ع طسمشع – يمما االاسا .

-اطاومسوو ، احمد ااعاه و احمد ، 5999، اثع اعمماج اا مسل ل امم و اطتلا ق

اطموا لاالرتمميل طدي اطتدا ا اف ل اطتعسو ل غع و اطمصمسا ل اطمداسو االسمس و

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-اطاكعل ، اةمد و ق ، 3111 ،مالي اطخداو االرتممي و عاطخدامع االرتممي و

، االسكمدايو ، ساا اطمعع و اطتماع و ، ص 59.

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-اطعف و ، اسممء يبد هللا ، 3155،االا مس اطاسلنل اطمعع ل الضفعاامع اطفسق

طدي االطومر ، ايساو ةلاي طسمشع عاطتلزيع – رماعو فع .

-اطوح ، مب احمد ، 3119 ، اعااج االا مس اطموال اطماعيو عاطتفب ق( .

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How to Cite

مهند محمد عبد الستار and ميسون صبري سعد, “Measuring the behavioral adjustment of the slow learning students”, jfath, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1–21, Aug. 2023.