Excessive self-confidence among students who excelled academically in the preparatory stage
The outstanding students in preparatory schools for girls encounter
new experiences, as they have to deal and collaborate with such
experience according to their capacities and abilities, although they
may have certain level of conceitedness and self overconfidence
because of sentiments of difference from others and individuation,
and having extraordinary, unlimited and pivotal capabilities, along
with an abundant level of activeness as well as having strong
motives for learning and working, in addition to an enthusiastic
motivation for exploration, investigation and experimentation. This
causes some problems and difficulties for such outstanding students,
since the self overconfidence is considered a negative trait, which
may obstruct the self overconfident student and deprives her from
success, in which her talents and excellence can qualify her to
achieve it. This negative feature may perhaps disrupt the
relationship between such students and their teachers, the
outstanding students curiousness, their persistent movements and
contiguous enquiries often cause state of confusion and discomfort
to teachers, and leading ultimately to more troubles. Teachers may
look to those excellent students as being chaotic, undisciplined
persons, abusers and troublemakers. Therefore, those students
should be assisted to resisted these pressures and comprehend, their
intellectual, social and emotional need at very phase of their
evolution for the effective and significant role played by this
category in building the society and its development.
This paper aims at discovering the level of over-self confidence in
outstanding girl students of preparatory schools. In order to achieve
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