The relationship of writing to reading with a look at reading difficulties resulting from writing
This paper aims to demonstrate and diagnose the difficulties that
hinder learning writing, and to propose effective practical solutions
from reality and the experience of a specific educational facts. The
paper will also link all of that with the overall difficulties of
practical teaching and learning of Arabic in the field of its sounds,
forms and handwriting and the relation between oral and written
performance. It also explains the Aesthetic handwriting and its
origins and rules as an important aspect of Arabic literacy and its
Writing quality and improvement of handwriting require reading
quality and continuous improvement. This requires paying more
attention to the read text and noticing vowels and dots above and
under letters rather than handwriting size or type. These texts must
be simple and short, so that students can rewrite them in different
types of handwriting.
The researcher will view some types of handwriting and choose the
appropriate ones. Also he will explain the common mistakes in
students' handwritings and its relation with reading difficulties.
-ػض اٌذ٠ ، ٓاعّبػ١، ًاٌّقبدس األدث١خ ٚاٌٍغٛ٠خ فٟ اٌزشاس اٌؼشثٟ ، داس اٌّغ١شح ،
ػّبْ األدسْ
- اثٓ خٍذْٚ ، اٌّمذِخ
- عّؼخ ، اثشا٘١ ، ُدساعخ فٟ رطٛس اٌىزبثخ اٌىٛف١خ ،داس اٌفىش اٌؼشثٟ ، اٌمب٘شح،1969
- ثٛلشح ، ٔؼّبْ ، اٌّذاسط إٌؾٛ٠خ اٌّؼبفشح ،ِىزجخ ا٢داة ، اٌمب٘شح ،2113
- األعذ ، ٔبفش اٌذ٠ِ ، ٓقبدس اٌؾؼش اٌغبٍٟ٘ ، داس اٌّؼبسف ثّقش ، 1956
- اٌغبؽع ، اٌج١بْ ٚاٌزج١١ٓ
- اثٓ إٌذ٠ ، ُاٌفٙشعذ
- دس٠ذا ، عبن ، اٌىزبثخ ٚاالخزالف ، رش عّخ وبظُ عٙبد ، اٌّىزجخ اٌفٍغف١خ
-عذٌ١خ اٌمشاءح ٚاٌىزبثخ ، ِؾشن ثؾش:
-أٔظش ، ٔؼّبْ ثٛلشح ، اٌّذاسط إٌؾٛ٠خ اٌّؼبفشح ، ِىزجخ ا٢داة ، اٌمب٘شح ،2113 ،
ؿ 129ِٚ ب ثؼذ٘ب
-أظش، عبن دس٠ذا ، اٌىزبثخ ٚاالخزالف ، رشعّخ وبظُ عٙبد ، اٌّىزجخ اٌفٍغف١خ ، ؿ31
ِٚب ثؼذ٘ب
-اثشا٘١ ُعّؼخ ، دساعخ فٟ رطٛس اٌىزبثبد اٌىٛف١خ ، داس اٌفىش اٌؼشثٟ ، اٌمب٘شح
ؿ 273ٚ ، أظش ػض اٌذ٠ ٓاعّبػ١ ، ًاٌّقبدس األدث١خ ٚاٌٍغٛ٠خ فٟ اٌزشاس
اٌؼشثٟ ، داس اٌّغ١شح ، ػ ّّبْ ، 2113 ، ؿ29
-ػض اٌذ٠ ٓاعّبػ١، ًاٌّقبدس األدث١خ ٚاٌٍغٛ٠خ فٟ اٌزشاس اٌؼشثٟ، داس اٌّغ١شح األسدْ
، ؿ 29
ٔ - بفش اٌذ٠ ٓاألعذ ،ِقبدس اٌؾؼش اٌغؾبٍٟ٘ ، داس اٌّؼبسف ثّقش ،1956 ،
-اثٓ خٍذْٚ ، اٌّمذِخ ،اٌفقً اٌضالصْٛ ) فٟ أْ اٌخو ٚاٌىزبثخ فٟ ػذاد اٌقٕبئغ
اإلٔغبٔ١خ (
- اٌطب٘ش ِىٟ ، دساعخ فٟ ِقبدس األدة ، ؿ 61 ؛ ٚأظش ػض اٌذ٠ ٓاعّبػ١ ، ً
ِقذس عبثك ، ؿ33
- اثشا٘١ ُعّؼخ ، ِقذس عبثك ،، ؿ 242)
- ػض اٌذس٠ ٓاعّبػ١ٔ ، ًفغٗ ، ؿ 35
– أظش ػٍٝ عج١ ًاٌّضبي دساعخ ػٍٟ ؽغٓ أعؼذ ؽجب٠ت ؽٛي فؼٛثبد اٌىزبثخ ،
إٌّؾٛسح ثّغٍخ عبِؼخ األص٘ش ثغضح ، 211ِ ،غٍذ 13 ، ػذد1 ، ؿ 1-34
-اثٓ خٍذْٚ ، ِقذس عبثك
ػالء ِؾّٛد األعٛأٟ ، اٌخو اٌؼشثٟ ، أّ٘١زٗ ، أ٘ذافٗ ، أعبٌ١ت رذس٠غٗ .-13
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