The extent of applying total quality management in the College of Basic Education - Diyala University from the point of view of department heads


  • Asraa Akef Ali كلية التربية الاساسية/جامعة ديالى


The research aimed at identifying the extent of applying
comprehensive quality management at the College of Education /
University of Diyala from the viewpoints of the heads of the
departments. The researcher used descriptive and analytical method
for data gathering through a questionnaire constructed for the
current purpose , the questionnaire contained six aspects, the aspects
included 32 items distributed on previously mentioned aspects.
Through collecting and analyzing data, the results showed that 23
items were achieved cause it gained weighted mean and weighted
percentile were equal or higher than the average of weighted mean
and weighted percentile of the aspect. While 9 items were not
achieved cause it gained weighted mean and weighted percentile
were lower than the average of weighted mean and weighted
percentile of the aspect. So it concluded that the comprehensive
quality management was carried out at the College of Education /
University of Diyala according to the current research's scale.
In the light of the results , the researcher recommended the
1- The necessity of emphasizing on the items that did not apply
as important in management so as to improve the academic
2- The necessity of improving the academic performance through
serious management and thereby improving output.
3- The emphasis on work cooperation to make it a success and
optimally less time.


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How to Cite

اسراء عاكف علي, “The extent of applying total quality management in the College of Basic Education - Diyala University from the point of view of department heads”, jfath, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1–17, Aug. 2023.