Difficulties faced by students of fine arts institutes in the completion of artistic works from the point of view of their teachers


  • Wafaa Shukr Hassan معهد إعداد المعلمات / ديالى


The study aims at identifying the most important difficulties
that are facing artistic works in fine arts institutes from their
teachers' viewpoints Society of the study comprised of male and
female teachers of arts in Fine Arts institutes for males and females
in Baqubah City , while the study sample comprised of (30) male
and female teachers of arts in the academic year 2014-2015 .
Therefore , the researcher has set a questionnaire of (15) items and
tested its validity .
The researcher found out that there is a number of difficulties
facing artistic works , most importantly :
1. The unavailability of a hall of drawing and other artistic
2. The insufficiency of money allotted to artistic activities.
3. A shortage in tools and artistic equipments required for doing
artistic works.
4. Classes are crowded with students.
5. Students are not interested in supplying needed artistic tools
inside of class.
Moreover, in light of the study results, the researcher recommended
the following:
- The Ministry of Education should provide Fine Arts Institutes
with required artistic tools as well as affording financial support.
- In erasing extracurricular artistic activities for the sake of
escalating students motivation towards arts.


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How to Cite

وفاء شكر حسن, “Difficulties faced by students of fine arts institutes in the completion of artistic works from the point of view of their teachers”, jfath, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1–18, Aug. 2023.