Detection of Stuttering Disorders when Reading among Kindergarten Children


  • Zahraa Zaid Shafiq


Stuttering Disorders


Allah ordered his noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to read in the first Sura and sent it down to be a key to his holy book and in imitation of his constitution to the people of the earth, as the reading is considered as the key to entering all the sciences and the basis of the development of knowledge in all its fields. So reading expands the circle of experience of children, develops it and activates their cognitive and social basis, cultivates their tastes, and urges them to curiosity which is useful for them to know themselves and to know others and to know the nature of their surroundings. (Al-Jahiz, 1985: 80), the specialists considered the reasons of stuttering in the individuals to the pre-school stage, when teachers and parents try to accelerate teaching the child reading without waiting the beginning of their readiness, and it becomes worse when he enters primary school, especially when teachers ask him to read a text or explain a subject, as it shows his hesitation in reading because of his fear of ridicule his colleagues (Bender, 1993: 120), so the problem of research begins in the detection of stuttering disorders when reading among the kindergartens children, by identifying the level of their degrees on the test of stuttering disorders, and the importance of the current research arises from the importance of reading in the life of the individual, despite the diversity of cultural means that enable the person to cognition and knowledge such as radio, television, cinema and the Internet, but he always needs to read because it surpasses all these means for its ease and simplicity, speed and freedom, (Mosa, 2003:4).

The research aims to (Detection of Stuttering Disorders when Reading among Kindergarten Children) and to (identify the differences in reading disorders in Kindergarten Children according to gender variable (males – females).


The researcher built the research tool and presented it to the experts to achieve the apparent honesty, she also extracted the discrimination coefficient and the difficulty of items and honesty, the stability was 0.79, and the researcher reached through the achievement of the objectives of the research statistically to some conclusions, kindergartens children suffer from stuttering disorders in reading with ratio (35.5%). Where the total number of children suffering from this condition was (75) children (34) boys and (41) girls, and it was found that females suffer more in the stuttering disorders when reading than males, which means that females have a weakness in speech skills more than males. Instructing the educational staff in kindergartens of the importance of teaching speech and pronunciation skills before teaching reading, and the recommendations are the introduction of programs that help kindergartens children on the correct pronunciation, review the planning of the educational curricula and pedagogy of kindergartens, which are interested in teaching the language skills of kindergarten children. While the proposals is doing similar study to study stuttering disorders about the reading in primary stage. Doing similar study to study other types of language disorders, including (stammering, palilalia, and accent).


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How to Cite

زهراء زيد شفيق, “Detection of Stuttering Disorders when Reading among Kindergarten Children”, jfath, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 162–191, Aug. 2023.