Effect of the Thilin and Landa models in the collection of Arabic grammar in second grade students


  • Ahlam Fadl Mislih كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى


The Thilin and Landa models


The present research aims at identifying the effect of the Thilin and Landa models on the acquisition of Arabic grammar in second grade students.

  To achieve the research objective, the researchers formulated the following zero hypotheses:

  1. There was no statistically significant difference at (0.05) among the averages of the students of the first experimental group who studied Arabic grammar using the Barman model and the average of the students of the second experimental group who studied the Arabic grammar using the non-test model in the post- .
  2. There was no statistically significant difference at (0.05) among the average of the students of the first experimental group who studied the Arabic grammar using the Barman model and the average of the students of the control group who studied the same material in the traditional method (lecture) in the post-achievement test.
  3. There was no statistically significant difference at (0.05) among the average of the students of the second experimental group who studied the Arabic grammar using the Landa model and the average of the students of the control group whose students studied the same subject in the traditional method.

     In order to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher chose Fatima Secondary School for Girls and Al Al-Bayt Secondary School for Girls and Quraysh Boys to represent the three research groups. The total number of students in the first experimental group represented by Fatima Secondary School was 31 students, (32) students, which used the model Landa, and medium Quraish, which represents the control group studied in the traditional way and number (31) students, the researcher followed the following steps to complete their research:

  1. Test the design of equal groups with partial control of the type of post-test.
  2. The two researcher was rewarded among the three research groups in the following variables: (age, parental achievement, Arabic language scores of the previous year, and IQ test(.
  3. The researcher prepared three plans to teach the first three groups of the Barman model for the first experimental group, the second for the Landa model for the second experimental group, and the third for the control group taught in the usual manner.
  4. The researcher prepared a test for the achievement of the three groups and counted the test paragraphs (30) paragraph of the type of multiple choice.
  5. The researcher used the appropriate statistical methods for her research procedures (Mono-variance analysis, Kai-square, Pearson correlation coefficient, Shafic method).

    After applying the test, the researcher found that the students of the second experimental group, which studied the LANDA model, were superior to the students of the first group whose students studied using the Berman model and the students of the third control group who studied their students using the normal method. The students of the first group were above the control group students in the post-achievement test.

The effect of the models of Barman and Landa in the collection of Arabic grammar in the first grade students.



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How to Cite

احلام فاضل مصلح, “Effect of the Thilin and Landa models in the collection of Arabic grammar in second grade students”, jfath, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 295–329, Aug. 2023.