Ali Jawad Al-Taher as a fictional critic of the novel as an example


  • Dr.. Ibrahim Ali Shukr


الناقد - القصصي - الرواية


Ali Jawad Al-Taher is a multi-faceted personality, and one of the most prominent figures in Arab literature and criticism, starting with the Shawqi Festival in 1958...etc., in addition to the fact that he mastered French and English, and he met the new with presentation, and his disciples and readers could not distinguish the old from the new, nor the new from the old for him. His ideal is creativity, and creativity is according. Immersed in Western and Arabic literature, I moved to Al-Jawahiri and Bedouin of the Mountain as I did to Al-Bayd, and I explained to Al-Rikabi, Al-Abadi, Al-Saqr, and Khion, as I explained to Marquis. Writing in his field and about his personality was not easy and easy, in his capacity as a professor, critic, investigator, writer, and translator... The qualities are many, the titles are numerous, and the personality is fertile and no one can surround it and reach its essence and secrets, if we do not say in one of its qualities And the assignment of the union to unite writers for more than one researcher to write in a small aspect of one characteristic facilitated the matter for those who were assigned. And the poor to God is one of those charged with my description as one of the students of this lofty knowledge. I settled on Al-Taher's criticism, especially the criticism of the novel, so that the principles from which he started in applying his rulings became clear, as well as his approach in selection and application, starting with talent and experiences and ending with the vitality of the language and its freshness and imagination that attracted the recipient with the power of the idea and the focus or the nucleus. It suffices me to present this humble work out of loyalty and love for his memory and distinguished biography in all fields and qualities.


الباب الضشيق ، د. علي جواد الطاهر ، شركة المعرفة للنشر والتوزيع المحدودة ، بغداد ، 1990 .

الرواق ، عبد الخالق الركابي ، دار الشؤون الثقافية العامة ، بغداد ، 1986 .



How to Cite

د. إبراهيم علي شكر, “Ali Jawad Al-Taher as a fictional critic of the novel as an example”, jfath, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1–7, Aug. 2023.