Stock trading concept and limitations


  • Rasol Shaker Mahmoud


التداول - الاسهم - القيود


This research is on the stock, the concept and the focus on the kinds of
restrictions being placed upon whether any legal constraints of the
Convention by legislation or by the founders of the company. The study is a
comparison between what the legislature of the Iraqi legal restrictions on
shares, and some Arab legislation to detect the difference between them.
The objective of the study was to determine the impact of restrictions on the
shares if the restriction was legal or limitation agreements on the activity of
the company's dealings. And also the negative aspects of the legal
restrictions, the Convention and the proposed solutions positives and
negatives to this.
Research has shown that the legal restrictions, if any is not in the interest of
preserving the State's economic level but also in order to preserve the
company and prevent it from disintegration and to support their activities, as
well as for the benefit of dealing with these companies.
The discussion dealt with the concept of stocks and shares through the first
topic and the concept of trading restrictions and the circulation through the
second topic


معجم المصطلحات التجارية ، خليل قسطو ، مؤوسسة الرسالة

الشركات التجارية في القانون العراقي ، د. احمد البسام ، مكتبة كلية التجارة ، مطبعة العاني ، ط2 ، بغداد ، 1967 .



How to Cite

م.م. رسول شاكر محمود, “Stock trading concept and limitations”, jfath, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1–24, Aug. 2023.