The relationship between the achievement of the students of the Central Teachers Training Institute in the subject of the Arabic language and their attitudes towards the subject
التحصيل - المادة - العلاقةAbstract
Paying attention to languages and the methods of teaching them is a civilized necessity imposed by the reality in which we live, as we live today in a small village where the distant has become close in light of the tremendous technical progress, and the progress of nations is measured by the strength of the educational system in them. A lot of criticism is directed at workers in the field of education for their strong focus on academic achievement and their neglect of other factors affecting the education process, but what drives them to do so is that the achievement is constantly decreasing, and therefore many researchers are trying to find out the reasons for this decline in the level of academic achievement. (Al-Khulaifi, 2000, pp. 13-14). And that our educational institution at the present time strives to increase the academic achievement of its students and help them apply what they have learned in practical life after their graduation from the institute or college, so we see it facing a unique work in our changing society in preparing students for the requirements of the future that you cannot predict and that our duty is to prepare Students to occupy their positions in society, which necessitates paying attention to their attitudes and inclinations towards academic subjects and the relationship of these attitudes to their level of academic achievement in them, especially in the subject of the Arabic language. The topic of attitudes has gained a very important place in modern and contemporary psychology, due to its importance in assisting in the future planning process in any field, and it is considered one of the motives that prepare and guide behavior. (Mikhail, 1997, pg. 91) Hence, educators confirm that students' attitudes constitute a major goal in the educational process, and they consider it a strategic goal that should be achieved for them. (Marei and Ahmed, 1996, p. 46) The importance of research: Education is the cornerstone of the development and progress of society as long as it is responsible for graduating disciplines in the fields of science and knowledge. Scientific and social. The university or the institute is one of the most important institutions, as it is a center of radiation for all that is new in thought and knowledge, and the place from which the opinions of thinkers emerge. It also represents a social institution that influences the social environment. (Rashid, 1988, p. 8) In addition, among the main functions of the university and the institute is the responsibility to prepare human resources that are appropriate to the needs and demands of society.
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