The effect of skill exercises according to the reciprocal method in learning the skills of rolling and handling football for beginners
reciprocal styleAbstract
Football specialized schools have witnessed a great development, and this is evident from the levels reached by developed countries, and this development is the result of great care in conducting research and studies for the purpose of identifying the best methods, levels and teaching methods in developing cognitive aspects and learning performance, especially football, and herein lies the problem Find the answer to the following question
- Did the skill exercises according to my reciprocal method have an effect on learning my skills of dribbling and handling football for beginners or not?
The researcher adopted the experimental method with the design of the two experimental groups as a basis for the implementation of the research, due to its relevance and the nature of the problem to be investigated. The research community included the members of the football school in Khalis affiliated to the Khalis Youth Forum for the year (2019-2020), and they numbered (70) players. As for the research sample, it included a group of (26) players belonging to the football school in the Al-Khalis Youth Sports Forum.
(a) The first experimental group.
(B) The second experimental group.
(3) students were taken from each group in the exploratory experiment of the research, and they constituted (76.92%) of the research sample population.
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