The Effect of Galleen's Strategy Based on Imagination on Social Intelligence For Students of the Second Intermediate in Science


  • Basim M. Ali AL-Rekabey Directorate General of Education of Baghdad /Al- Risafa/1



(Galleen) strategy based on imagination


The aim of the research is to identify (the impact of Galleen) strategy based on imagination on the social intelligence of the students of the second intermediate grade, science). To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control, as the research sample reached (70) students, by (35) students for the group the experimental, and (35) students of the control group. The two research groups were rewarded in the two variables (intelligence, chronological age), and the scientific material was identified in the four chapters of the science subject from the textbook to be taught for the current year. The behavioral objectives were formulated for the specific chapters, totaled (160). A behavioral purpose that included the six levels of Bloom's classification for the cognitive domain, as follows: (remembering, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). The researcher prepared (22) teaching plans for the experimental group according to Galleen's strategy based on imagination, and (22) teaching plans. For the control group, according to the usual method of teaching, the social intelligence scale tool was prepared, the psychometric characteristics and stability were calculated, and the data was analyzed and processed statistically using the statistical bag (SPSS), knowing that the researcher taught the two research groups by himself, and at the end of the experiment, the researcher applied the measure of social intelligence to the students of both groups. The students' answers were corrected, and they were processed statistically. Conclusions and some recommendations were supplied by the researcher.


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How to Cite

باسم محمد علي الركابي, “The Effect of Galleen’s Strategy Based on Imagination on Social Intelligence For Students of the Second Intermediate in Science”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 202–219, Dec. 2023.