Nomophobia (Fear of Losing a Mobile Phone) and Its Relationship to Moral Justification among Preparatory School
The current study aims to identify Nomophobia among preparatory school teachers , The current research sample consisted of (400 male and female) teachers at preparatory school. The research sample was chosen in a stratified random method with a proportional distribution and to achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher built a nomophobia scale according to the Theory (Belk: 2013), and a scale of (33) items and the virtual honesty and the sincerity of the construction were verified. The stability was verified in two ways a re-test reaching stability coefficient was (0.87), while the stability coefficient of the instrument was by the Alpha Cronbach method (0.76).
and using the statistical program (SPSS), as statistical means, the following results were reached:
- The research sample has nomophobia, because the calculated T-value is greater than the tabular T-value, and with a significant difference.
According to the results above the researcher found several conclusion, recommendations, and suggestions.
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