Learning Strategy Based on the Problematic Treatment of Historical Concepts and Its Impact on Developing Talent-Solving Skills Among Fourth-Grade Literary Students in the Subject of History


  • Anwar Farouk Shaker Muhammad Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences Methods of teaching history




Treatment of Historical Concepts


   The research aims to identify ( learning strategy based on the problematic use of historical concepts and its impact on developing problem-solving skills among students in the fourth literary grade in history). This type of learning was applied to students in the fourth literary grade at (Al-Naqa Secondary School for Boys) for the first semester of History subject for the year 2022-2023. The research sample consisted of two groups, the first experimental group that studied using learning based on the problematic use of historical concepts, and their number was (27) students. The second group studied in the usual way, consisting of (28) students. After the end of the experiment, the researcher applied the post-test again to the students of both groups.

To answer the study questions, the statistical package program was used to conduct the statistical analyzes that were used in the experiment, which are represented by the following statistical methods: -

1- T-test to calculate the difference between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-measurement test of problem-solving skills.

2- Calculate the difficulty, ease, and discrimination coefficient of the test.

3- The value of the Eta square (n2) and the effect size (d) for the problematic use strategy.

   The results of the study showed the effectiveness of learning the strategy of problematic use of historical concepts in developing problem-solving skills. The results are detailed as follows:

There are statistically significant differences at the level (a=0.05) between the average scores of the experimental and control group students in the post-test for the problem-solving skills variable attributed to the variables (learning strategy based on problematic use of historical concepts - and the usual method) in favor of learning according to problematic use over the methods used. The other.


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How to Cite

انوار فاروق شاكر محمد, “Learning Strategy Based on the Problematic Treatment of Historical Concepts and Its Impact on Developing Talent-Solving Skills Among Fourth-Grade Literary Students in the Subject of History”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 427–440, Mar. 2024.