The Role of the Family in Protecting Children from the Negative Effects of Modern Technology among Primary School Students in Saudi Society
family , child protectionAbstract
The study aimed to identify the negative effects of using modern technology on primary school children in Saudi society.
This research belongs to the descriptive analytical research, and relied on the sample social survey to study a large number of fifth grade students. A systematic random sample of 239 male and female students was selected from the lists of students in schools. The study sample was from public and private schools (Al-Riyadh International Schools) and Fursan Al-Taleem Schools (Pre-Primary). The researcher designed a scale to identify the role of the family in protecting children from the dangers of modern technology. Several results have been reached, including; The high rate of children's addiction to modern technology. The dangers of modern technology to which children are exposed varied, including; The culture of using modern technology tools, the effect of using modern technology tools on the culture of violence among children, the impact of using modern technology tools on children’s system of values and culture. There are many roles for parents to protect children from the dangers of modern technology, represented in; Involvement in various activities as an alternative to use modern technology means, directing him to activities and positive uses, developing the capabilities and interests of the child, paying attention to develop your values and ethics, developing relationships and social tasks, accompanying you on social visits, organizing your time, especially leisure time, continuing to study lessons and homework, raising awareness of the dangers of using Modern technical means
The researcher tried to make several recommendations, including; Developing parents' awareness of how their children use the Internet and the means of information technology, and methods of confronting these risks. Paying attention to develop children's awareness of the pros and cons of using modern technology. Parents' interest in engaging children in various activities as an alternative to use modern technology.
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