The level of inclusion of sustainable development with regards to the environment in My Language textbook of second grade in elementary schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  • Reem saad Al Qahtani جامعة الإمام عبد الرحمن بن فيصل – كلية التربية
  • Amani Khalf Alghamdi جامعة الإمام عبد الرحمن بن فيصل – كلية التربية



Sustainable development, environmental field, content analysis


The study aimed to determine the level of inclusion of sustainable development of the environmental field in My Language textbook for the second grade of elementary schools for the three semesters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Environmental for sustainable development included (21) indicators, and the study population was represented in all my language courses for the elementary stage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study sample consisted of My Language textbook for the second-grade elementary school for the three semesters of the academic year 1444 AH. The study indicated that the environmental field of sustainable development was included in the three textbooks of My Language at a weak level of (14.19%) and that there was a discrepancy in the inclusion of indicators in the three semesters. Elementary stage is an essential stage in raising the student on environmental awareness to achieve sustainable environmental.


القران الكريم

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How to Cite

ريم سعد القحطاني and أماني خلف الغامدي, “The level of inclusion of sustainable development with regards to the environment in My Language textbook of second grade in elementary schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 203–234, Sep. 2024.