E-learning in private universities Al-Isra University (a model) Academic year 2022-2023


  • Khamas Al-Aibi is Shawie Al-Israa University / College of Arts / Department of Media


Electronic, Educational, Distance, Education ,Skilles , Education


The reality of e-learning, an applied study, Al-Israa College, Al-Ahlia University (a mode(

It was due to the spread of the (Corona) pandemic, which misled all aspects of social, economic and educational life. This epidemic added another dimension and affected the reality of the educational science, for fear of the spread of this epidemic among the students of universities, colleges and schools. This epidemic required the use of electronic education methods and through the platforms of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education for the continuity of the urban education process in order to avoid the spread of the (Corona) epidemic among students.

The Ministries of Education and Higher Education, through their educational platforms, have employed the most important means of electronic communication (distance education) to provide the most important educational services and to continue the attendance education process.

A lot of research and studies also touched on activating the electronic system by teaching school subjects with the aim of continuity of the educational process. These electronic means of communication are considered a catalyst for students to actively participate in the education process in clarifying and delivering the various study materials to students through the faculty members giving lectures through electronic means of communication.

Therefore, the researcher believes that the procedures of that study are the evaluation of that educational activity by means of electronic communication, represented by the network (the Internet) and the computer, and to identify the most important difficulties and obstacles that faced that learning process in diagnosing it and identifying the most important causes and effects on the progress of that process to achieve educational goals.

The experience of applying e-learning and what is called (distance education) is a new experience that requires conducting studies and evaluation research in order to diagnose and determine the size of these obstacles in order to achieve the desired goals of that educational activity based on the employment of the most important means of electronic communication.

In order to achieve the current study, the researcher conducted a field evaluation study on a random sample of students from Al-Israa College, Al-Ahlia University, in addition to testing a sample of staff members from the teaching staff at the above-mentioned university.

The researcher also seeks to identify the most important points of view of a sample of faculty members at that university, in addition to a selected sample of students from the branches of human studies.

After applying the tool of that study, the results showed that there are difficulties and obstacles that have a direct impact on the course of that process to achieve the most important educational goals of the university educational activities.

The aforementioned study also mentioned the most important recommendations and proposals to address the most important educational problems that faced this new educational experience in Iraq.



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-Stevens Institute of Technology is a premier, private research university located in Hoboken, New Jersey.



How to Cite

خماس العيبي شويع, “E-learning in private universities Al-Isra University (a model) Academic year 2022-2023”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 1–31, Dec. 2024.