The effect of cooperative learning in learning the skills of crushing hitting and defending the court with volleyball


  • Bahira Alwan Jawad كلية التربية الرياضية / جامعة بغداد
  • Manahil Abdul Hamid Daoud كلية التربية الرياضية / جامعة بغداد



The effect of cooperative learning in learning the skills of crushing hitting and defending the court with the ball
The Plane
The research includes five chapters and chapters, the first chapter includes the definition of the research
And its importance, and the research problem and the reason for conducting such research were discussed.
And to identify the goals and hypotheses of the research, and finally the fields of human and spatial research
and temporal.As for the second chapter, it includes theoretical and similar studies.
On the concept of motor learning, its importance and definitions, and then discuss the concept of cooperative learning
And its definitions and how to use it in developing skills in volleyball, and then discussing it
Volleyball skills, especially the skill of crushing hitting and defending the field
(The subject of the research) Finally, the researcher touched on the study of (Atif Muhammad Qomsan).
And the study (Khalil Ibrahim Suleiman) being a similar study.
As for the third chapter, the research approach and field procedures were discussed, asWe got acquainted with the research methodology used, the research sample, and how the groups were divided and equalized
The research sample and the exploratory experiment, then the researcher touched on the pre-test
And how to conduct the main experiment, then the post-test, and know the statistical means
used in the search.
As for the fourth chapter, it deals with the presentation, analysis and discussion of the research results.
The findings of the researcher and the knowledge of the impact of the cooperative learning style in the development of skills
As for the fifth chapter, it contained the conclusions and recommendations that I reached
The researcher and the most important conclusions:1- The cooperative learning method has a positive and effective effect on learning multiplication skills.
Overwhelming and defending the court with volleyball.
2- The use of small groups in the learning process has a significant impact on controlling performance
Smash hitting skills and defending the court with volleyball.
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The fiftieth issue. Al-Fath Magazine. August 2012 Bahira Alwan Jawad
Manahel Abdul Hamid Daoud
3- Learning by the cooperative learning method helps in increasing students’ effectiveness in learning as it transforms
The student is transformed from a mere recipient into a leader of the group.
4- Cooperative learning contributes to increasing competition between groups by trying toThat is, everyone reached a good level of skill for the purpose of outperforming the groups.
the other.Effect of cooperative learning in learning spike and defense
court skills in Volleyball
Abstract :
A search contains five chapters, the first one included the
definition and importance of research, which was addressed the
research problem and the reason to conduct such research and to
identify the goals and hypotheses, and finally the research fields
which display human and spatial and temporal fields.
The second section contained a theoretical and literature
studies, and to identified the concept of motor learning and its
importance and its definitions, and then addressed the concept of
cooperative learning and its definitions and how to use in the
development of skills in volleyball, and then enhance the skills
of volleyball, particularly spike and defense court skills of the
research subject and finally display study research of
(Mohammed Atef Khmsan) and study (Khalil Ibrahim
Suleiman) which they are similar studies.
Part III was covered research methods and it's procedures,
where we identify the research sample and how it divided into
groups after pretest and to equal sample sizes after posttest to
conduct the main experiment, the data were processed with
proper statistical methods.
The fourth section were covered the view and analyze and
discuss the search results and study the effect of cooperative
learning techniques in the development of volleyball skills
The fifth section included conclusions and recommendations of
that the researcher reached and the most important conclusions:
1 - That the style of cooperative learning has a positive effect
and has effective learning of spike defense court skills in
2 - Using small groups in the learning process has a significant
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العدد الخمسون . مجلة الفتح . آب لسنة ٢٠١٢ أ.م.د. باھرة علوان جواد
مناھل عبد الحمید داود
effect in controlling skills performance of spike and defense
court in volleyball.
3 - Learning cooperative style helps increasing the effectiveness
of student learning as the student turns from just recipient to a
leader of group.
4 - Cooperative learning Contribute increasing competition
between the groups in trying to get everyone to a good level of
skill for the purpose of superiority over other group



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٣ -حسين سبهان وطارق حسن ؛المه ارات والخط ط الهجومي ة والدفاعي ة ف ي الك رة

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٦-عصام الوشاحي ؛الكرة الطائرة للشباب،ط١)القاهرة ،دار الفكر العربي،١٩٩٠ .(

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How to Cite

أ.م.د. باهرة علوان جواد and مناهل عبد الحميد داود, “The effect of cooperative learning in learning the skills of crushing hitting and defending the court with volleyball”, jfath, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1–15, Aug. 2023.