The degree of achieving the requirements of the competitive advantage of Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University from the viewpoint of the university leaders within of the Kingdom's 2030 vision and the most important obstacles facing it
universities, Saudi Arabia, competitive advantage, higher education, leadershipAbstract
This study aimed to identify the degree of achieving the requirements of the competitive advantage of Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University from the viewpoint of the university leaders within of the Kingdom's 2030 vision, and the most important obstacles that prevent this. The study population consisted of all university leaders, while the study sample consisted of (40) leaders who were randomly selected, and to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (65) paragraphs distributed on two areas: the field of requirements to achieve the competitive advantage of the university, and the field of obstacles, followed Each of them has a number of paragraphs that relate to the specific field. The study reached many results, the most important of which are:
The university enjoys a high degree of achieving the requirements of competitive advantage, which makes it a leading higher education institution in the Kingdom, and it has a strong presence among Saudi higher education institutions. Based on that result, the study recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
- Continuing to perform the basic tasks of Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University in education, teaching, scientific research and community services efficiently and effectively, and this requires qualified and trained human resources and has an awareness of the concept of competitive advantage and its requirements with institutions of higher education.
- The need to enhance the quality of education and maintain it at the university as a training center through the commitment of academics to the quality of education in order for the university to remain competitive in the future.
- Take proactive steps by faculty members to improve their individual performance and update their practical skills.
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