The effect of Skman's model on the achievement of the students of the College of Basic Education / University of Diyala in the subject of educational research methodology
Change is one of the most prominent features of the era in which we live, which includes the fields of life
All 0 it is the era of developments and rapid changes 0 and as a result of this rapid change has lost
Workers in the field of education faced a number of challenges that prompted them to research
diligently in order to find innovative solutions to meet the renewable challenges, and has been the focus of those
Solutions is the endeavor to prepare a person who accepts the successive change and contributes to the development process.
Education is the basis of reform and its success, and education is a tremendous force that can encourageSouls, purify them and guide them to the worship of the Creator, the Almighty, the perfection of worship, which is strength
You can develop individuals, hone their talents, develop their minds and ideas, and train their bodies
And strengthen it, and that it can motivate society to work and diligence and push its members to cohesion
Compassion and integration, and education is a means to solve problems and advance individuals to
Advancement of nations, it is a comprehensive and integrated process of spiritual, mental and physical aspects
And psychological and social are all so that one side does not dominate the other, it is sporadic developmentWith comprehensiveness and integration, it aims to prepare the good individual in an integrated and balanced way
Beneficial for himself and his society, happy in his life. (Qatami and Naifeh, 17: 1998)
And for the colleges of basic education, including the College of Basic Education at Diyala University
A comprehensive goal and specific goals that it seeks to achieve through its educational program
Its overall objective states the following: “The colleges of basic education aim to prepare
Teachers who believe in God, love their country, believe in the goals and lofty values of their nation, and are proud of them
With their cultural heritage and qualifying them to be efficient in performing their educational and professional missionFifty-first issue. Al-Fath Magazine. September 2012, Prof. Dr. Shatha Adel Farhan
M. Ahmad Dawood Salman
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Patriots are able to actively participate in building the country and preserving the unity of the country
And the nation is endowed with work and profession ethics.”
Good teaching is like good work that requires sharing and cooperation, not competition
And isolation through a positive emotional social atmosphere in the classroom
Based on a basic postulate that learning is most effective if it isThe emotional social atmosphere inside the classroom is positive, and this atmosphere arises from
Good human relations that exist between the teacher and the students and between the students
Some of which creates a participatory democratic climate that gives students the freedom to express their opinions
It helps them gain desired attitudes and values, as well as influences their direction
towards the subject, and they accept it, which increases their achievement in it and the achievement of goals
desired educational. (Al-Laqani and Abu Sunina, 1998: 59)
Scientific and educational research methods aim to help students obtainknowledge and scientific thinking skills to solve problems in their practical lives, in addition to
To develop products and materials that serve the practical field in education and seek to train students
To organize their ideas, help them present them logically and properly, and use the library
And their sources and training them on sincerity and honesty and take responsibility in transferring
Information. (Ghabawi and Abu Shaira, 2010: 27)
Suchman (1962) at the University of Illinois, USA, developed a modelFor investigative learning for middle school students, and applying it to natural science subjects, and
This model is considered acceptable in educational circles after its experience in the field of science.
Suchman's investigative learning style falls under learning styles
Cognitive, and aims to train students on systematic research using technology
Investigation, to enable them to form hypotheses about an unexpected event that surprises them
By presenting experiences opposite to what they have, with the aim of arousing suspicion among themIn order to re-learn it in an advanced manner, in which the student is active and effective. (Qatami
(1998: 56, and Naifa
Katami (1998) notes that “this model can be used in
Different age stages to assume that the process of questioning and investigation is a mental process that grows
And it develops through the different stages of growth, in addition to that the model can be used in
Various subjects, whether literary or scientific. (Qatami and Qatami 1998
Based on the foregoing, we can explain the importance of the current research as follows:
The importance of educational research methods.
2- The need to use modern educational models that depend on participation
group in the educational process.Fifty-first issue. Al-Fath Magazine. September 2012, Prof. Dr. Shatha Adel Farhan
M. Ahmad Dawood Salman
3- Directing the attention of those interested in education to these models as entry points for teaching subjects
pave the way for complementary studies in this field
١ .جابر ،عبد الحميد جابر وعايف حبيب: اساسيات التدريس،مطبعة العاتي
٢ .جمل ،محمد جهاد،(٢٠٠٥:(تنمية مهارات التفكير الابداعي من خلال المناهج
الدراسية،دار الكتاب الجامعي العين٠
٣ .جونسون ديفيد، جونسون روجر وهولبك ،اديت جونسون (ترجمة مدارس
الظهران)(٢٠٠٤ (التعلم التعاوني،ط٢،الدمام ،مؤسسة التركي للنشر والتوزيع٠
٤ .الخليلي ،خليل واخرون : تدريس العلوم في مراحل التعليم العام، ط١ ،دار
القلم للنشر والتوزيع ،الامارات، ٠١٩٩٦
٥ .سليم ،محمد جابر واخرون :بناء المناهج وتخطيطها ،ط١،دار الفكر للنشر
والتوزيع ،عمان ،الاردن ،٢٠٠٦م٠
العدد الحادي والخمسون . مجلة الفتح . ایلول لسنة ٢٠١٢ أ.م.د.شذى عادل فرحان
م. احمد داود سلمان
-٢٥٤ -
٦ .العلواني ،مهند سامي جيجان:" اثر استعمال استراتيجيتي كلوز ماير والاحداث
المتناقضة في تعلم المفاهيم الفيزيائية وتنمية التفكير الناقد"،(اطروحة دكتوراه
غير منشوره)،كلية التربية،جامعة بغداد،١٩٩٩
٧ .علي، اسماعيل ابراهيم (٢٠٠٨ : (التفكير الناقد بين النظرية والتطبيق، ط١ ،
دار الزهراء للطباعة والنشر، بغداد .
٨ .عمر، سيد خليل (١٩٨٩ " :(استعمال مدخل الاستقصاء في التحصيل العلمي
وتنمية مهارات الاستقصاء لدى تلامذة الثالث الاعدادي"، صنعاء ، الجمهورية
العربية اليمنية، مجلة كلية التربية ، مطبعة جامعة اسيوط ، العدد ٥.
٩ .عمران، خالد عبد اللطيف محمد(٢٠٠٧:(اثر استعمال انموذج التحري
الجماعي (ثيلين) في تدريب الدراسات الاجتماعية على التحصيل المعرفي وتنمية
بعض مهارات التفكير الناقد لدى تلاميذ الصف الاول الاعدادي ، المجلة التربوية
كلية التربية،جامعة سوهاج، مصر، العدد(٢٣(ص،(١٩٥-٢٧٤.(
١٠ .عودة، احمد سليمان (١٩٩٨ :(القياس والتقويم في العملية التدريسية،
المطبعة الاردنية – الاردن.
١١ .غباوي، وابو شعيره ، د.ثائر احمد وخالد محمد :مناهج البحث التربوي
مكتبة المجمع العربي ،ط١ ،٢٠١٠.
١٢ .غيابن، عمر محمود (١٩٨٥" :(اثر اسلوب الاستقصاء في تحصيل
طلبة المرحلة الاعدادية للمفاهيم الفيزيائية والطرق العلمية " ،ملخصات رسائل
ماجستير في التربية، مركز البحث والتطوير التربوي، المجلد الثالث، جامعة
اليرموك .
١٣ .قطامى،يوسف،ونايفة قطامى (١٩٩٨:(نماذج التدريس الصفية، ط٢ ،دار
الشروق للطباعة،عمان.
١٤ .الكلزة ،رجب احمد ومختار،حسين:المواد الاجتماعية بين النظرية
والتطبيق،ط١ الكويت ،١٩٨٥
١٥ .اللقاني، وابو سنينة، تخطيط المنهج وتطويره، د.احمد حسين اللقاني وعوده
عبد الجواد ابو سنينه،جامعة عين شمس ، عمان الدار الاهلية ١٩٩٨.
العدد الحادي والخمسون . مجلة الفتح . ایلول لسنة ٢٠١٢ أ.م.د.شذى عادل فرحان
م. احمد داود سلمان
-٢٥٥ -
١٦ .مصطفى ، عبد السلام (١٩٩٨ :(تصميم الانشطة العلمية لكتب العلوم في
المرحلة الابتدائية، مجلة التربية العلمية، المجلد ١ ،العدد الاول ، عمان –
الاردن .
Joyce & weill-m(1986)-models of teaching 3
hall Inc newjersy
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