The Effect of "Draw Your Thoughts" Strategy on the Achievement and Developing the Skill of Drawing Historical figures and Plans among Fourth Literary Class Students
The Effect of Draw Your ThoughtsAbstract
The current study aims at investigating The Effect of "Draw Your Thoughts" Strategy on the Achievement and Developing the Skill of Drawing Historical figures and Plans among Fourth Literary Class Students. To validate the study goal, the researcher developed the following zero hypotheses.
- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying the course of the history of Arab-Islamic civilization according to a strategy to draw your thoughts and the average scores of students of the control group who study the same subject according to the usual method of post-achievement test.
- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying the course of the history of Arab Islamic civilization according to a strategy to draw your thoughts and the average scores of students of the control group who study the same subject according to the usual way in the post-test to draw historical forms and plans .
- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying the course of the history of Arab Islamic civilization according to a strategy draw your thoughts in the pre and post applications to test the historical shapes and diagrams.
- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average grades of the officer group students who are studying the subject of the history of Arab-Islamic civilization according to the usual method in the pre and post applications to test the historical shapes and diagrams.
The research community consists of students of the fourth literary grade who study in government secondary and elementary day schools for boys that are affiliated to the General Directorate for Education in Diyala Governorate / Muqdadiya District Center (10 schools). The researcher applied the experiment to a sample of students of the fourth literary grade, which was represented by two schools, the prep of Maytham al-Tammar, and "Al-Wajihiya" prep in the first semester of the academic year (2019-2020), after he chose them from among the schools of the Muqdadiya district center. The research sample reached (65) students, and after excluding those who failed, the number of sample individuals reached (60) students. By random assignment, Maytham Al Tammar Prep was chosen to represent the experimental group of (30) students who studied with a strategy to draw your ideas, and preparatory "Al wajihia" to represent the control group of (30) students who studied in the usual way.
Before starting the actual teaching, the researcher conducted parity between the two research groups (experimental and controlling) in several variables, including (students' degrees for the academic year 2018-2019 in the subject of modern and contemporary history for the third intermediate grade, academic achievement for parents, academic achievement for mothers, time life calculated in months, and test score Intelligence (Raven), and the pre-application of the test of drawing shapes and historical plans, and the researcher used an experimental design with partial control for the experimental and control groups and the post-test, and the researcher defined the research requirements as follows.
The Scientific material: It included the first part of the book of the history of Arab Islamic civilization, which is represented in the first three chapters (the first, second and third), which are to be taught to students of the fourth literary grade by the Ministry of Education in the light of the official system (courses).
Then the researcher formulated (109) behavioral goals for the cognitive field distributed on the six levels of Bloom's classification, and (20) targets for the psychomotor field distributed on the five levels of the Simpsons classification, and prepared teaching plans amounting to (72) teaching plans with (36) plans for each group.
As for the research tools, the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (50) test items (40) objective items of the multiple-choice type and (10) article paragraphs with a short answer distributed according to the six levels of Bloom's classification which are (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, composition, evaluation). Then the researcher verified the face validity of the test and the content validity by presenting it to a group of specialists in addition to extracting the psychometric properties of the test (difficulty factor, discrimination strength, and the effectiveness of wrong alternatives) and the researcher applied the test to the two research groups (experimental and control) at the end of the experiment. As for the stability of the test, the researcher relied on the Spearman-Brown equation, and the coefficient of stability was (0.07), then the researcher prepared a skill test consisting of (4) questions. Its answer was correct according to the standard prepared by (Al-Abadi, 2000), which consisted of (11) items, after confirming its validity and consistency. The researcher adopted the statistical means from the statistical package (SPSS), including T-test of two samples of two independent samples equal in number, and Chi-square, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman-Brown equation, Alpha Crumpach equation, and Stability equation. After correcting the answers and statistically processing the data, the results resulted in a statistically significant difference between the average achievement and the test of drawing shapes and historical charts between students of the two research groups (experimental and control) at the level of significance (0.05) in favor of the experimental group that studied the curriculum of the history of Arab Islamic civilization on According to a strategy, draw your thoughts. Thus, the researcher rejects null hypotheses and accepts alternative hypotheses.
In the light of the research findings, the researcher concluded the following:
- A strategy to draw your thoughts has a positive impact on increasing the achievement of fourth-grade literary students in the curriculum of the history of Arab-Islamic civilization more than the usual method.
- Students tend to practice drawing and enjoy this skill that the researcher noticed is present among students, but to varying degrees, and they practice it in a variety of ways when appropriate conditions are available.
The researcher recommended a number of recommendations, including the following:
- Emphasizing the use of a strategy to draw your thoughts in teaching the curriculum of the history of Arab-Islamic civilization because of its importance in increasing achievement and developing the skill of drawing.
- The acquisition of psychomotor skills requires training and practice, and here, in turn, it requires the teachers of the history curriculum to use teaching methods and strategies that are the focus of the learner.
The researcher suggested several proposals, including:
- Conducting a similar study to identify the impact of a strategy. Draw your thoughts in other curricula and other levels of study.
- Conduct a comparative study between your brainstorm strategy and other strategies that derive from active learn
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المصادر الاجنبية :
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