A comparative study of the logical and spatial intelligence of distinguished high school students and their ordinary peers


  • Sanaa Latif Hassoun الكلیة التربویة المفتوحة / بغداد




Historically, the ideal person for the Greeks was the person who is skilled in what he does and rational in his thinking. As for the Romans, he was the brave. As for the Chinese, they considered everyone who was talented in poetry, music and drawing an ideal person. As for our modern society, the measure is intelligence above all.
Intelligence is a term that usually includes a lot of mental abilities related to the ability to analyze, plan, solve problems, and the speed of mental trials. It also includes the ability to think abstractly, collect and coordinate ideas, pick up languages, and the speed of learning. It also includes, according to some scholars, the ability to feel, express feelings, and understand The feelings of others. (Intelligence, 2010)
As we see that the individual, if he is a good worker, then he is said to be intelligent, and if he makes good investments, then he is said to be shrewd, and if he plans for the future well, then he is described as good-looking, and if he makes reliable predictions regarding the results of behavior that occurs in certain ways, then he is said to be a visionary, and so on. All of these descriptions used indicate in one way or another the intelligence capabilities of individuals, and although intelligence is seen by the average person as an attribute that either exists or does not exist, he nevertheless uses it when he gives some of his opinions to his acquaintances and neighbors. (Adass and Qatami, 2003, p. 60).
Therefore, intelligence is one of the basic mental abilities that many studies and researches dealt with extensively (Al-Sayed, 1994, p. 296).
As for the researcher Sternberg (1985), he proposed a theory based on the analysis of the components of intelligence, which is based on analyzing the methods that a person uses when he solves problems in life and the problems that appear in intelligence tests. It is measured by the ability to solve problems, and the practical intelligence that is used in daily life situations and it is not easy to measure theoretically, and the creative intelligence that is manifested in


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- السید (١٩٩٤:(الذكاء،دار الفكر العربي ،القاھرة

- سید ، إمام مصطفى (٢٠٠١ .( مدى فاعلیة تقییم الأداء باستخدام أنشطة

الذكاءات المتعددة لجاردنر في اكتشاف الموھوبین من تلامیذ المرحلة الابتدائیة ،

مجلة كلیة التربیة بأسیوط ، المجلد السابع عشر ، العددالاول

- الشیخ ، محمد عبد الرؤوف ( ١٩٩٩. ( مستویات الذكاء اللغوي لدى طلاب دولة

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How to Cite

سناء لطیف حسون, “A comparative study of the logical and spatial intelligence of distinguished high school students and their ordinary peers”, jfath, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 118–127, Aug. 2023.