Beliefs of Arabic language teachers in public schools about the teaching profession and its relationship to their teaching skills in Jordan


  • a.m.d. Attia Ismail Abu Sheikh كلية الأميرة رحمة الجامعية – جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية – الأردن



Summary :
This study aimed to identify the beliefs of Arabic language teachers in schools
government affiliated to the Directorate of Education of the Southern Shuna District about a profession
teaching, and the extent of the relationship between them and their teaching skills. The study sample consisted of
(28) teachers, of whom (17) are at the postgraduate level and (11) are at the bachelor’s level.
In order to answer the questions of the study, the researcher used the teaching skills observation card
And the measure of the beliefs of Arabic language teachers towards the teaching profession after verifying the validity
The two tools and their stability.
The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α = 0.05).
Between the undergraduate level and the postgraduate level (teaching methods) in beliefs
towards the teaching profession in favor of the postgraduate level, as it showed no differences
Statistically significant at the significance level (α = 0.05) in the first three skills
between teachers at the undergraduate level and their counterparts at the studies level
Finally, the correlation coefficient between teachers' beliefs and skills was shown
Teaching has a strong and statistically significant correlation at the two levels of significance at the α = significance level
(0.05), and the study ended with several recommendations.
Keywords: teachers' beliefs about the teaching profession, Arabic language teachers, profession
Teaching, teaching skills.




Fifty-third issue. Al-Fath Magazine. April 2013 Attia Ismail Sheikh


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Additional Files



How to Cite

أ.م.د. عطية إسماعيل أبو الشيخ, “Beliefs of Arabic language teachers in public schools about the teaching profession and its relationship to their teaching skills in Jordan”, jfath, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–22, Aug. 2023.