Music in the poetry of Amr bin Qumay
Music in poetry is an essential element of its elements, and poets are distinguished from each other by the extent of the music's clarity, loudness, or calmness, and the extent of the music's influence in creating the general atmosphere of the poem, as well as the language, image, and style. Therefore, critics paid great attention to monitoring the music of poetry. The research came in this direction to study the music of poetry at Amr Ibn Qumayah, being a poet of the pre-Islamic era, and it is the oldest era from which poetry came to us. It is to the piece of music, and Amr bin Qamiah was one of those poets known for his poetry accompanied by music that evokes the maximum feelings of the listener in the recipient to create an atmosphere of communication between him and his reader. The research included a brief definition of the poet's life and the music of poetry. It included a comprehensive comprehensive study of his collection with statistics for the use of poetic themes and a rhyme study with statistics for the rhymes used in his collection as well as a study of its music. As for the second topic, the internal music in his poetry was studied, which included the study of anaphora, counterpoint, and repetition in his poetry in letters, words, inlay, tawshih, and homogeneous movements, which are the prominent feature of his internal music.
١ .الاغاني : ابو الفرج الاصفهاني ، الساسي، مط ، التقدم ١٣٢٣هـ .
٢ .أمرؤ القيس حياته وشعره: د.الطاهر أحمد مكي، دار المعارف، ط/١٩٧٩،٤م.
٣ .البلاغة والتطبيق : د. احمد مطلوب ، ود. كامل حسن البصير، دار الكتب للطباعة
والنشر ، جامعة الموصل ، ط/٢ ، ١٩٩٩م .
٤ .بن اء الق صيدة ف ي النق د العرب ي الق ديم: د. يوس ف ح سين بك ار، دار الان دلس ،
بيروت، ط/٢ ،١٩٨٣م .
٥ .تاريخ الادب العربي ، العصر الجاهلي: د. شوقي ضيف ، دار المعارف ، ط/١٠،
١٩٨٢م .
٦ .ديوان امرئ القيس : دار صادر ودار بيروت ، بيروت ١٩٥٨م .
٧ .ديوان عمرو ب ن قميئ ة: عن ي بتحقيق ه وش رحه خلي ل اب راهيم العطي ة، دار الحري ة
للطباعة . مطبعة الجمهورية ، بغداد ، ١٩٧٢م .
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