Imagine a proposal to develop the Faculties of basic Education according to the entrances of contemporary reform


  • Eshraq Essa Abed College of Basic Education / University of Diyala
  • Jabbar Thaer Jabbar College of Basic Education / University of Diyala





The currently research aims to suggest imagine to develop the Faculties of Basic Education according to Entrances of contemporary reform .

Research conclusions

  1. The development of Basic Education Colleges is doing through the development of each element of the Education system from philosophy ، Education aims ، Curriculum content ، Methods and Teaching strategies .
  2. Contemporary reform entrances have a very important in the development of Colleges of Basic Education .

Research recommendations :

  1. apply imagine proposal on the basic Education college .
  2. provide the important supplies to apply the proposal imagine.

Research Suggestions :

  1. A study designed to evaluate the fields of education at the college before the Execution .

A research designed to develop Managers of Art and Technical departments .  



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How to Cite

اشراق عيسى عبد and جبار ثاير جبار, “Imagine a proposal to develop the Faculties of basic Education according to the entrances of contemporary reform”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 201–216, Aug. 2023.