The effect of skill exercises according to (infographic) technique in learning the skill of sending volleyball to students
skill exercises, infographic techniquesAbstract
The current study aimed to identify the effect of skill exercises according to (infographic) technique in learning the skill of volleyball for students. The two researchers adopted the experimental approach with two experimental and control groups, as it was divided by lot from students of the second stage of Diyala University College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of (60) Two students, consisting of two divisions, Division (A) represented the experimental group, which used skill exercises according to the infographic technique to learn the skill of upper-facing tennis, which numbered (30) students, and Division (B) represented the control group, which used skill exercises in the usual way of (30) students The results of the research showed a clear development of the experimental group in the post test More than the control group, as a result of using skill exercises according to the infographic technique.
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