Difficulties faced by primary school students in mental arithmetic from the point of view of their teachers


  • Rafah Aziz Karim Al-Saadi كلية التربية / الجامعة المستنصرية
  • Tagreed Abdul Kazem Al-Taie كلية التربية / الجامعة المستنصرية




The current research aims to identify the difficulties faced by primary school students in mental arithmetic from the point of view of teachers. Research and sources for the position of mental arithmetic The two researchers were able to build a research tool consisting of (29) paragraphs presenting the various difficulties that students face in mental arithmetic. The data were analyzed statistically, depending on the weighted mean and the weighted weight, and the two researchers reached the following most important results: - The weakness of the students' ability to give a quick verbal idea that is close to reality without using measurement tools or performing mathematical operations accurately and with paper and pen. The weakness of the students' mental ability to reach an exact result through the use of the properties of numbers and the decimal system of the number. Weakness of the students' ability to link the arithmetic outputs to each other, or to sense the operations on the preparation and their meaning and understand how and when to use them, or to use the properties of substitution, distribution and grouping of the arithmetic operations on the preparation. Therefore, the two researchers recommend: The need for the Ministry of Education to pay attention to the subject of mental arithmetic through the preparation of its curricula due to the importance of this topic in the development of mental skills and strategies. The need for attention by the preparation institutions for future male and female teachers in basic education faculties to ensure that their preparation program includes strategies for developing students' mental arithmetic. The need to prepare workshops that develop students' ability to deal with preparation and calculate preparation using mathematical operations and linking them to reality. Therefore, the two researchers suggest: - Detecting the difficulties facing primary school students from their point of view. A therapeutic strategy in light of the difficulties that students face in mental arithmetic.


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How to Cite

رفاه عزيز كريم السعدي and تغريد عبد الكاظم الطائي, “Difficulties faced by primary school students in mental arithmetic from the point of view of their teachers”, jfath, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 120–129, Aug. 2023.