The effect of the periodic survey model and the semantic map on the achievement of fifth grade literary students in history


  • Uday Taher Mahmoud كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية / جامعة ديالى
  • Mustapha Fadhil Abbas College of Education for Humanities / University of Diyala



Keyword: impact,periodic investigation,semantic map


This research aims to identify “The Impact of Periodic Survey Model and the Semantic Map on the Achievement of Fifth Grade Literary Students in the Material of History”. To achieve the research hypotheses the researchers put the following hypotheses:

  1. There are no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the average grades of students of the first experimental group studying using the periodic survey model and the average score of the second experimental group students studying using the semantic map in material of history.
  2. There are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the average grades of students of the first experimental group studying in accordance with the strategy of the periodic survey and the average score of the students of the control group studying in the traditional way in material of history.
  3. There are no statistically significant differences at the level of 3significance (05.0) between the average grades of the second experimental group studying according to the semantic map and the average of the students of the control group studying in the traditional way in material of history.

English translation. 

    The research community is from the Preparatory and Secondary Day schools in Baqubah Center in Governorate of Diyala. The sample of the research was (105) students from fifth literary grade. The research tool that the researchers used one tool to measure the level of students which is the achievement test and after it was implemented to the research groups the result of the first hypothesis showed the superiority of the first experimental group over the second experimental group where the periodic survey had a positive effect in raising the level of achievement of students. The second zero hypothesis reached the superiority of the first experimental group studying according to the periodic survey on the control group. English translation. The third zero hypothesis reached the superiority of the second experimental group, which studied according to the semantic map of the control group, and through the result the researchers reached the following conclusion

1- English translation. The use of the periodic survey model emphasizes the positive role of the learner through the active participation of students in the lesson.

2-The use of modern models and strategies in teaching has become inevitable as it makes the educational material more effective and the subject more interesting

3-Teachinhg by means of the semantic map creates afeeling of vigor and liveliness,and adds suspense  excitement and self-reliance


The researchers recommended the following:           

1-Training the teaching staff during service to use the model of periodic survey and not limited to teaching methods that depend on indoctrination and memorization

2-.the use of the semantic map as a method,and educational tool in all middle schools

The researchers suggested the following:

1-Studying the impact of the periodic survey model on other variables such as critical thinking and innovative thinking. English translation. 

2-Study the effectiveness of the periodic survey model in the teaching of other materials rather than history and for other grades of study.

3- conducting a semantic map study with other variative thinking


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How to Cite

عدي طاهر محمود and مصطفى فاضل عباس, “The effect of the periodic survey model and the semantic map on the achievement of fifth grade literary students in history”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 437–466, Jul. 2023.