Moral Anxiety ‎for the kindergarten mothers


  • Balqees Abdlul Hussain College of Basic Education / Diyala University
  • Amal Dawod Salem College of Basic Education / Diyala University



‎‏ Moral Anxiety


Moral Anxiety among the Kindergartens Mothers

      Of course, moderate anxiety is a commendable matter in the life of every mother, as it is what drives her to set her child in mind to follow every development in him to discover early changes in her child that need to interfere, whether these changes are physical or behavioral, but the problem - as usual in every matter - excess in anything does not get good things , for the excessive moral anxiety from the mother over her child may lead him to the opposite results of what she is hoping for, especially if her protection and concern for her children are hindrance to them for their physical or psychological development.

     Therefore, the current research seeks the necessity of initiative to present theoretical jurisprudence based on objective field procedures, which stems from the specificity of moral concern in an attempt to answer the following question: What is the level of moral concern among the mothers of kindergarten children? And based on the importance of the research topic, the importance of the research sample, and its variables, it set goals for the research, and it included:

  • Knowing the relationships among kindergarten mothers.
  • Knowing the significance of the differences in the levels of the taking care relationships among the individuals of the sample according to the child's gender variable (males - females).  the job variable (worker – not worker). the variable of the child's birth order.

      The researcher has adopted the relational descriptive approach in completing her research, and the research sample included (400) mothers of kindergarten children, who were randomly chosen class, in order to achieve the goals of the research, it was necessary to have a tool through which to collect data and information related to the research , The researcher built a scale (moral anxiety), and to extract the apparent honesty, the researcher presented the items of the measure in its primary form, to a number of arbitrators and their number reached (24) arbitrators, and the measure became in its final form (28) items and alternatives (they always apply to me, they often apply to me, they sometimes apply to me, it does not apply to me , it does not apply to me at all) with degrees (1,2,3,4,5),  and the researcher used the T-test to extract the discriminatory strength of the measure items and the analysis of variance to extract the differences between the study variables, the stability coefficient by re-test method was (0,84) by the Fakronbach method (0,86). After applying the measure to the sample individuals of (400) mothers from a kindergarten children mothers, the results were calculated and they were:  

  • There is a high level of moral anxiety among the kindergarten children mothers.
  • There are no differences in moral anxiety according to the child's gender variable.

3-  There is a difference in moral anxiety according to the job variable andin favor of the housewife.



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How to Cite

بلقيس عبد حسين and امل داود سليم, “ Moral Anxiety ‎for the kindergarten mothers ”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 50_70, Jul. 2023.