Reasons for the low level of female students in reciting and intonation of the Holy Quran, College of Education in Aldalam Prince Sattam bin Abdul-Aziz University Mona Taha Muhammad Omar
Reasons for the low level of female students in the recitationAbstract
PURPOSE: This dissertation aims to know the reasons of deterioration of the female students , in the Studies Department , in reciting and intonation of the Holy QURAN . However, I noted this phenomena while I was lecturing in the same Department . Then I decided to carry out this study to assess the reasons and to recommend the solutions , because it is very important for the student in the Department to read the HOLY QURAN correctly according to the well known provisions of reciting /intonation . No doubt , graduating skilled and well trained student in reciting /intonation of the HOLY QURAN , will secure a good student at General Education Level , since she is going to teach the same subject .
The research has been arranged into four chapters . The first chapter was assigned for the theoretical aspect of the study . The second chapter for the literary framework , concentrating on the importance of learning reciting/intonation of the HOLY QURAN for the Muslim to read it correctly .The third chapter is for the study procedures . To approve the findings of the study , a sample / segment of students interviewed through scale questionnaire , to get the primary data and to arrange the arbitration procedures and verifying the sample and its constancy . The research's tool was questionnaire . T he last chapter was assigned for statistic treatment of the primary data and discussion of the assumptions that support the findings .
The student's weakness in reading the HOLY QURAN correctly according to the well known provisions of reciting/ intonation is due the following reasons;
1- Student's personal reasons ; she doesn't care to improve her skills on reciting /intonation of the HOLY QURAN .
2- The students didn't get an efficient education on reciting/intonation of the HOLY QURAN at the GENERAL EDUCATIO
N LEVEL , since the unskilled teachers give the student high grades that doesn't match their true level in reciting / intonation of the HOLY QURAN .
3- The students weren't influent in Arabic language , this is also due the PREVIOUS General Education .
4- The officials of education increased the number of the students in the class regardless of the nature of the subject the requirements of educational environment and appointed unskilled teachers .
5- The students didn't encourage/ follow up by their families to memorize the provisions of reciting/intonation of the HOLY QURAN .
I suggest solutions of the above findings ; To give more attention to the subject ,specially by the Officials , such introducing the new technological means /media , teaching labs , giving additional lessons at the mosque , introducing a new strategies of the recently called the cooperation education by allowing the full skilled student to teacher the others , hold competition and giving prizes to the students who improved themselves in reciting the HOLY QURAN . Mobilization of the family to follow up their daughters and to encourage them .
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